Business Structure |
The initial development period of ShearNZ will be run as a stand-alone project under the umbrella of the NZSCA. After this initial development period an incorporated society may be formed for ShearNZ, in which all Accredited Operators will be given voting rights. The income from fees and other potential income streams will cover operating expenses. Any surplus would be managed by the governance group on behalf of the members of the cooperative. Surplus income would either result in: a reduction programme of fees and/or audit fees for the following year/s, or be applied to other projects as decided by the ShearNZ Governance Group and members. This will be addressed at the incorporated society’s annual general meeting.
GovernanceOne of the advantages of the ShearNZ programme being developed and managed through the New Zealand Shearing Contractors Association (NZSCA) is its neutrality in the commercial world of wool. The ShearNZ Governance Group of this programme will be made up of the chairperson of the NZSCA (currently Barry Pullin) and six current members of NZSCA. Four of these six members must be from the executive committee, and of the remaining two members can be co-opted from the NZSCA or partner organisation. The Governance Group will meet at least twice each year, once at the time of the NZSCA Annual General Meeting and one other meeting, the quorum for these meetings is five members excluding management. It is recognised that considerable input from other stakeholders is necessary and will be facilitated through an advisory group structure.
Advisory GroupInput from other stakeholders into the development and enhancement of ShearNZ is welcomed through the ShearNZ Advisory Group. This group, made up of farmer, wool industry and wool harvesting industry representatives, has the opportunity to guide and develop of the programme to ensure the best outcomes for all stakeholders. This group will be representative of the industry, and membership will be on a voluntary basis. Meetings will be kept to a minimum and positioned to cater for the majority. Some key members will be invited but we encourage other stakeholders to enquire if they wish to be a part of the establishment of this programme.
ManagementAlthough the development of this project will be overseen by the ShearNZ Governance Group, the management of ShearNZ is conducted separately to that of the NZSCA. This position of autonomy is seen as essential to the success of the programme. Administration and expert services will be sub-contracted as and when necessary with the agreement of the governance group. The NZSCA has contracted the management services of Peter Taylor. Peter has an intimate knowledge of the wool harvesting industry and a proven track record within the agricultural industry in development of industry standards, training and meeting legislative requirements.
Consultation ProcessThis consultation process provided shearing businesses, farmers, and the wider wool industry with the opportunity to input into the development of the ShearNZ programme from early September 2011 until the end of November 2011. The New Zealand Shearing Contractors Association would like to thank everyone who submitted feedback or attended consultation meetings. Your input has been gratefully received and has strengthened the programme considerably.
All further enquiries and comments are welcome via email, to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Or phone Peter Taylor on 06 355 9104 or 027 442 4465 |