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Our Supporters


Accident Compensation Corporation

Wright Wool

Beef and Lamb New Zealand

The National Council of Wool Interests

Ministry of Innovation and Business (Labour)

Elders Primary Wool

Employers and Manufacturers Association


Federated Farmers

Hawkes Bay and Canterbury Wool Scourers

Kells Wool Limited

New Zealand Leather and Shoe Research Association Inc. (LASRA)

New Zealand Shearing Contractors Association

Wools of New Zealand

New Zealand Wool Classers Association

NZ Council of Wool Exporters

PGG Wrightson Wool

Rural Wool-Link Ltd

Segard Masurel Limted

NZ Merino

Tectra Ltd

Textiles New Zealand

The Ag ITO

The Council of Wool Interests

The NZ Shearing Industry Health & Safety Committee

The Wool Brokers Association

Wool Services International